Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Santa Barbara IMX Pentathalon Part 2

Boogie Boarding
Watching the USC vs Notre Dame game
Beautiful Sunset
Avrielle and her friend Maribeth
The Beach House
The 200 Boys 9 and 10 medley relay team

Santa Barbara IMX Pentathalon

This weekend we went to Carpinteria for a swim pentathalon. That is where there are 5 events and the winner is based on the lowest score in all five. Chandler did really well, and the weather was beautiful for October. I can't believe it rained only a few days before. In the afternoon the kids relaxed and swam a the beach.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blue and Gold Cookie Swim Meet

Chandler and Coach Jay
Winning the High Point Award, A Giant Cookie

Back to School

Trip to San Diego

Our family took a quick trip to San Diego right before school started to visit our dear friends, the Arends. We spent a fun day at the beach with them( I forgot my camera) and a day a Sea World. Here are some Sea World pictures.

cute toes

Avrielle and I got back to school pedicures in August. I thought hers turned out cute.