Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hi Everyone, As you can see, I don't get many chances to update this blog very much anymore. When I started it, I wrote mainly to keep everyone updated with what was happening with my dad and David. So many of you prayed so faithfully for our family and met our needs in so many practical ways. We are blessed! Today seemed like a perfect day to officially end the blog. David went to USC today, and his doctor offically said the word Cured! Normally, they like to wait five years, but she felt that she was able to say that today. As always, our lives are in God's loving hands and we will continue to trust in His plans for us. I would like to use Facebook now more than the blog to post pictures and stuff since it seems a little easier and faster. I will look forward to keeping in touch there! Again, thank-you for loving us these past two years.